10th Grade
10th Grade Educational Milestone (15 to 16 Years Old)
Source: Akin Eagles and Tennessee

Sophomore Year
About 10th Grade
Freshman year goes by in a flash, and before you know it, your child is a sophomore. One of the most important events that happen during this time, is that your kid may begin taking the PSAT in the spring. Although the PSAT is not the final SAT test, this test allows them to get an idea of what the test is like and what parts of the test they need to work on. If your child qualifies, their PSAT scores may even qualify them for the national merit award.
Another big thing to look out for during their Sophomore year is careers. Since most students will also be learning how to drive at this age, part-time and summer jobs are more likely to be added to their schedule. In Texas, the legal age to work is around 14 to 15. When applying to jobs, if your child has no previous work experience, being involved in leadership positions and school activities are a great addition to their resume for entry-level positions. When choosing a part-time job, it is a good idea to have the future in mind. Even though not every part-time job won't point them toward their dream job, they are great resources for their future goals. While they are working, remind your child that jobs are not just a great way to earn money, but it is also a way to secure a letter of reference.

For Students